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It wasn’t easy to find a new place to live, in an unknown land, where the best ones had already been taken by other mice. They had to make the best of a temporary solution among the roots of an oak tree in the town’s square, until they found a bigger and more comfortable house.

The six small mice were very unhappy! Their life in the square was difficult and dangerous especially for a family used to the peacefulness of the cellar.

“You need to be patient” Gigione repeated continuously. “In spring it will be easier to find a garden, where no one will bother us anymore.

“But now we must think about winter that is on the doorstep” Ninetta said “and we need to be ready to face it.”

The rain started to fall and the wind began to howl, sweeping away from the square all the remaining food. Every morning mother and father mouse had to go farther and farther to find something for their children to eat.

One evening, Gigione, feeling discouraged, decided to ask an old owl, famous for his wisdom, for advice.

“Are you hungry?...Enter the town library. There you will find everything you need!”

“But… there are only books!”

“Great food for mice, my friend! Great food!... Eat them all. Nobody ever reads them anyway!” the owl pronounced. “At least they will satisfy your hunger!”

Without delay Gigione returned to the square and entered the town library that was full of dusty books on rusty iron shelves. He looked around in awe and opened his mouth wide at the sight of all those good things.

“So what are you waiting for?” He thought to himself.

He made his way, then, through dense cobwebs, jumping on an unlucky volume with a thick cover and gave it a bite without thanking the Lord.

He hungrily ate some of its pages to fill his empty stomach.

“It’s really delicious!” he exclaimed when he was full. “Tomorrow I’ll move my family here. This is the best place to pass the winter.”

Bursting with joy, he went back home to give his wife and his children the good news, hugging them several times.

Mother mouse caressed her six little mice one at a time, lovingly.

“Never lose faith in life!” she said afterwards, “tomorrow we are going to move into our new house.”

“Finally we’ll be able to run around and nose about without worrying about the bad cats and the people, right mom?”

“Yes that’s right, my darlings. Nobody ever enters the library!”

The next day they moved into their new dwelling and they got settled behind a big encyclopedia on animals.

“Daddy was right” the six young mice admitted, after looking around the place. “He couldn’t have found a better spot. Here we can play and eat undisturbed and when we’re in the mood we can read a book, there are plenty to choose from.”

Every evening I’ll read you a fairy tale” mother mouse told them, “So your sleep will be sweeter.”

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